Why You Should Rest Coffee After Roasting

December 18, 2024

While freshly roasted coffee may seem ideal, it actually needs time to rest before it reaches its peak flavour. After roasting (which takes around 12 minutes on average, according to Giesen), resting is a crucial step that allows the beans to release excess carbon dioxide (CO₂) and develop their full, complex flavours.

In this blog, we’ll explain why resting coffee is important, how different roast levels affect the resting period, and the best methods to store your beans for optimal results.

Understanding these processes means that you can ensure every cup of coffee tastes the best it can possibly be.

Should You Rest Your Coffee After Roasting?

Resting coffee after roasting is essential to allow the beans to reach their optimal flavours and aromas. Freshly roasted coffee beans release carbon dioxide (CO₂) as a natural byproduct of the roasting process. Immediately after roasting, the CO₂ levels are too high, which can interfere with extraction during brewing, leading to uneven or underdeveloped flavours.

Resting allows the excess gas to dissipate gradually, with roasted beans releasing 70% of CO₂ within the first 24 hours. Coffee's complex flavours continue to stabilise and develop after roasting.

Resting gives time for the oils and compounds in the bean to mature, resulting in a more balanced, nuanced, and aromatic cup of coffee. Brewing too soon after roasting may produce flat or overly sharp tastes, so allowing the coffee to rest ensures a more consistent final brew.

With less CO₂ escaping during the brewing process, the water can properly extract the soluble compounds in the coffee, leading to a fuller and more even extraction.


How Long Should You Rest Coffee For?

The ideal resting period depends on the roast level and brewing method, but most coffee benefits from resting 24 hours at an absolute minimum. Each type of roast requires a different resting period to allow the beans to release excess CO₂:

  • Dark roasts: 1–5 days
  • Medium roasts: 5–10 days
  • Light roasts: 10–14+ days


Dark Roasts

Dark roasts typically require a resting period of 1–5 days. This is because dark-roasted beans are more porous due to the extended roasting time and higher temperatures. The structure of the beans is less dense, allowing CO₂ to escape more quickly.

Resting dark roasts for 1–5 days ensures that excess gas has dissipated, leading to more consistent extraction and a smoother taste profile. This shorter resting time helps preserve the bold, smoky, and sometimes chocolaty notes characteristic of dark roasts.


Medium Roasts

Medium roasts benefit from a longer resting period, typically 5–7 days for filter brewing and 7–10 days for espresso. Medium-roasted beans retain more density compared to dark roasts, which slows down the degassing process.

Allowing medium roasts to rest for a longer time ensures proper flavour development, resulting in a well-balanced cup with enhanced sweetness, acidity, and body.

For espresso, the slightly extended rest (up to 10 days) allows for more stable extractions, reducing excessive crema or bitterness caused by lingering CO₂.


Light Roasts

Light roasts require the longest resting time. Light-roasted beans are the densest since they undergo the shortest roasting time and are exposed to lower temperatures. This density means they release CO₂ much more slowly.

Resting light roasts for an extended period allows the subtle and complex flavours—such as fruity, floral, or acidic notes—to fully develop.

For espresso, a rest of 14 or more days ensures smoother, more consistent extractions, allowing baristas to highlight the delicate characteristics of light-roasted beans without being overpowered by excess gas or sharpness.

Resting coffee based on its roast level is crucial for achieving the best flavour and aroma. By understanding the unique needs of dark, medium, and light roasts, you can ensure that every brew brings out the coffee's full possibilities.


How to Rest Roasted Coffee

There are a few effective ways to rest coffee, such as using sealed bags with one-way valves or airtight containers. Proper storage ensures the beans maintain freshness while degassing occurs. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you rest roasted coffee effectively:


Step 1: Store in a Cool, Dry Place

It’s important to store roasted coffee beans in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture. Exposure to light and heat can cause the beans to degrade more quickly, while moisture can compromise their quality and lead to mould.

Use sealed bags with a one-way valve (to allow CO₂ to escape without letting oxygen in) or airtight containers to protect the beans from external elements while they rest.

This ensures the coffee remains fresh as it releases gas and the flavours start to stabilise.


Step 2: Avoid Grinding the Coffee Beans Too Early

Grinding coffee beans too soon after roasting accelerates oxidation, which can degrade the coffee’s flavour and aroma. Whole beans naturally release CO₂ at a slower rate, protecting the delicate oils and compounds that contribute to their flavour.

To maintain the coffee’s full potential, grind the beans just before brewing, once the resting period is complete. This ensures a fresh, aromatic cup with the best flavour extraction.


Step 3: Consider the Roasting Time

As discussed, the ideal resting time depends on the roast level of the beans. Dark roasts require a shorter rest period (1–5 days), while medium and light roasts benefit from longer resting times (5–14+ days).

Keep track of the roast date and plan accordingly based on the type of roast. Monitoring the resting period ensures the beans have enough time to degas and develop.

Following these steps—storing beans properly, avoiding premature grinding, and considering the roasting time—allows you to effectively rest roasted coffee and achieve a delicious brew!


Coffee Beans at Crosby Coffee

By now, you should have a better understanding of why you should rest coffee after roasting. Here at Crosby Coffee, we offer a wide range of coffee beans, including our Iron Men blend, Trio blend, and much more.

All of our coffee beans are carefully picked and roasted to ensure excellent quality. Try our selection of coffee beans today and see for yourself!

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