Colombia Tolima Planadas

Product Description

Colombia, Tolima, Planadas

This delicious new Colombian coffee not only gives us a tasty and versatile cup that will suit any brew method, it also offers a fantastic amount of traceability!

This coffee was farmed by 25 certified organic producers in the same municipality of Planadas in the Tolima region. 

By adhering to sustainable, organic growing standards, the farmers are helping to ensure that the land remains fertile. This and the surrounding coffee producing area has also only recently come out of a period of armed conflict surrounding coffee production, so by aligning themselves with fair supply chain practices this co-operative will play an important role in the future of this beautiful region and its people. 

This coffee was partially shade grown, giving the berries tons of opportunity to develop more complex flavours and sugar for a syrupy sweet cup. So whether you’re after a rich espresso or moka pot, or a delicate pour over, you are sure to get great results with this coffee!




Tasting notes:Red wine, toffee, citrus


Cup Score:84.25

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